The OSBA booth, at the State Fair, has a beekeeping video that runs continuously each day. The same video has been played for several years now. In an effort to update the State Fair booth, we would like to make a new video showcasing our own Oklahoma beekeepers. If you would like to be included in this video, let us know by emailing us pictures of you or your family working with your bees. We can also include a short video, but keep it to a few seconds please. We want to be able to include as many beekeepers as possible. To participate in this video, send your pictures (please limit to 5-7 pictures) or short video (less than 10-20 seconds) to:hhqfarms2021@gmail.comPlease include names and the location to be displayed on the video.If you have any problems sending them by email, contact Richard Henry or me a call at 405-519-1342